i just wanna make it last
If you’re looking for a carefree, always chasing the sunset, mushy love-inspired photographer, you found her. I love stories, and I can’t wait to capture yours!
hey there
and I absolutely LOVE taking pictures. So much, I do it for a living. Fun fact: my first few paid shoots were senior portraits for classmates I was graduating high school with. I can look in my senior yearbook and see my own portrait among ones I’ve taken of others. Pretty dope, right?
Another fun fact: I almost failed my high school Photography class. Things are going better for me now.
I had to earn a bunch of extra credit at the end of the semester to pass. I was a good student, I just didn’t follow the assignments. Believe it or not, there are rules to photography. I’ve never liked following them.
I was my momma’s photographic muse. When I was in elementary school, she was in nursing school. She took a photography class as her art elective, and naturally, I was the subject of many projects. I remember seeing the developed portraits (this was pre-digital era), and being fascinated by them- the colors, the textures, the emotions, and the intention that composed these images. Even as a young girl, photographs were stories that moved me.
as a little girl,
me + my momma
Sometime around my pre-teenhood, I begged my parents for a camera of my own, and I was gifted with a sweet little Kodak point-and-shoot. My camera went everywhere with me, and I took pictures of everything and everyone who would let me. I created a makeshift studio in my bedroom out of bedsheets and lamps, so my friends and I could live out our professional photographer/model dreams. I’ll state the obvious: I was totally consumed by my passion for photography. After a few hardware upgrades, and many years of pretending like I knew what I was doing, I eventually figured it out.
And now I’m doin’ the damn thang!

slide in my DMs